On-Demand Course
Training Course:
An Introduction to Fall Armyworm
This online training resource provides an introduction to the monitoring and management of fall armyworm (FAW).
FAW is a serious transboundary plant pest that can cause considerable damage to maize and other crops in Asia Pacific.
Nine modules are provided which include a mix of Handouts, Activities, Videos and Quizzes.
We would like to thank the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific and the Government of Japan for kindly supporting the development of this resource.
This course uses links to a range of fantastic sites and resources that have been developed by various experts and organisations working on Fall Armyworm and Integrated Pest Management. We acknowledge their expertise and recognise their significant efforts in developing knowledge to help stakeholders better monitor and manage FAW.

Thank YOU...
The generous support of the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan is gratefully acknowledged.
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