A holistic approach to fall armyworm management
Learning objective: Participants should understand and be able to explain to others the principles of IPM and its relationship to a healthy plant and food system.
Learning objective: Participants should understand and be able to explain to others the principles of IPM and its relationship to a healthy plant and food system.
Learning objective: Participants should be able to identify natural enemies of fall armyworm and know how to support and encourage their presence in the field.
Learning objective: Participants should understand and be able to explain the ways they can help prepare for and grow a more resilient maize crop.
Learning objective: Participants should be able to understand why a pesticide is the last resort in the IPM toolbox and why it should only be used as necessary.
Learning objective: Participants should understand what pesticides are available and be able to choose appropriate pesticides based on effectiveness, safety and toxicity criteria
Learning objective: Participants should be able to understand how to safely apply a pesticide in the field.
Learning objective: Participants should be able to understand managing resistance is critical and what their role is in supporting best practice
Learning objective: Participants should be able to understand when and how to use a Bt Biopesticide.
Learning objective: Participants should be able to explain how parasitoids can be used in the field and what the benefits are
Learning objective: Participants should be able to explain what a baculovirus is and how it can be used in the field for fall armyworm control.
Learning objective: Participants should be able to understand the action threshold, when to get further help from an expert and when to consider the use of a biocontrol or chemical pesticide.
Learning Objective: Participants should be able to identify ways to effectively monitor and scout for fall armyworm.
Learning Objective: Participants should understand how a pheromone trap works and how to use it.
Learning Objective: Participants should be able to identify other common insects and diseases in maize.
Learning Objective: Participants should be able to identify and explain the life cycle of the fall armyworm.
Learning Objective: Participants should be able to understand why fall armyworm needs to be managed early and proactively to ensure effective control.